The next 5 years in marine data and how you can help

We would like to invite you to participate in the MEDIN Open Meeting on 24th April 2024. The MEDIN Open Meeting this year is entitled “The next 5 years in marine data and how you can help.” and will consist of presentations, networking and flash talks with a Q&A session. The meeting is FREE of charge.

The one-day meeting will take place as a hybrid event at The Crown Estate, 1 St James's Market, St. James's, London SW1Y 4AH and online using Microsoft Teams and although primarily targeted at a UK audience, will be open to anyone to join.

The aims of the meeting are to:

1.    Launch the new MEDIN Business Plan 2024-2029
2.    Celebrate new marine data management initiatives
3.    Explore new ways for the marine community to collaborate to share marine data 

Read the agenda.

MEDIN Open Meeting Presentations

Dr Clare Postlethwaite, Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN). 
Introduction to MEDIN, the hub for UK marine data“ 

Keynote: Dr Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research. 
Insights into the ocean's emerging digital ecosystem: the new arena for science and sustainable development”  

Harriet Baldwin, The Crown Estate “The Role of Marine Data in Enabling a Sustainable Blue Economy

Dr Jens Rasmussen, Marine Directorate of the Scottish Government 
MEDIN and the Marine Directorate

Liam Matear, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
FAIR Play: Unlocking the potential of marine data

Aoibheann Rooney, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs of Northern Ireland (DAERA-NI) 
NI Coastal Observatory

Graeme Duncan, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) 
Marine Recorder Redevelopment: Integration by design

MEDIN Open Meeting Flash talks:

Download all the flash talks

Suzy Angelus



Peter McKeague

Historic Environment Scotland


Ruth Paterson



Julie Bunt



Panel Q&A

Christina Hunt

University of Portsmouth

In person

Edd Lewis

British Geological Survey

In person

Harriet Baldwin 

The Crown Estate 

In person

Tom Mansfield

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

In person

Chris Jackson


In person

Panel Q&A

Ed Thompson



Callum Stone

Met Office


James Ayliffe

British Oceanographic Data Centre


Charlotte Miskin-Hymas

Marine Environmental Data and Information Network

In person

Panel Q&A


MEDIN is a partnership of UK organisations committed to improving access to marine data. Marine data are collected by a wide range of organisations for an extensive variety of applications, including environmental monitoring, defence, research, conservation and commercial activities. As long as any limitations with such data are fully understood, these data can be useful to others. There are over 600 organisations collecting or holding marine data in the UK, so in the past, it was difficult for the marine community to make full use of these silos of marine data. MEDIN has been working with both public and private organisations to make it easier to share UK marine data and to ensure that data are well documented and are in a fit state to be used by others. MEDIN provides a single place to search for marine data. By providing a standardised way to find marine data and specialist data archives to store it, MEDIN has opened up access to large volumes of previously unavailable data from both the private and public sectors. MEDIN wants to ensure the marine community can harness appropriate technology to achieve our vision of all UK marine data being Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. This event marks the launch of the next MEDIN Business Plan which will run from 2024-2029. 

Start of event
End of event