MEDIN have been tasked with finding out whether there is an underlying business case for providing an online database of marine monitoring undertaken by UK organisations. And, if there is, how this should function to meet the needs of the marine community.
We would like to invite you, as MEDIN Sponsors, Partners and stakeholders, to contribute to this discussion over…
Measure once, use many times
Authors: Clare F Postlethwaite, Rohan Allen, Chelsea Bradbury, Graeme
Duncan, Gaynor Evans, Laura Hanley, Laura Hewson, Dan Lear, Kieran Millard,
Charlotte Miskin-Hymas, Roseanna Wright
Read the MEDIN Business Plan 2024-2029 here.
Read the first ever DAC Marine Data News.
In this special issue of Marine Data News 2023, the MEDIN DACs showcase some of their highlights from 2022-2023
MEDIN is seeking a new Chair.
The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) is seeking an outstanding new Chair to bring strategic leadership, enthusiasm and independent thinking to our Sponsors’ Board and Executive Team, at a significant time in our development. We are currently in the process of developing a new five-year Business Plan and are seeking a Chair who can…

The Marine Data newsletter is produced quartely and provides all the latest news abouy MEDIN marine data. It is intended to be the goto resource for everyone in the marine data community. You can subscribe to the newsletter and it will be sent to you automatically. Read the July 2023 newsletter
Marine Data News July 2023 includes:

Marine Data News March 2023 includes:
MEDIN highlights
Maximising the value of the growing cetacean dataset
One Ocean, One…