MEDIN is seeking a new Chair.
The Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN) is seeking an outstanding new Chair to bring strategic leadership, enthusiasm and independent thinking to our Sponsors’ Board and Executive Team, at a significant time in our development. We are currently in the process of developing a new five-year Business Plan and are seeking a Chair who can help steer and deliver that plan by facilitating an engaged and committed Sponsors’ Board.
MEDIN is a long-term, open partnership that provides the national framework for managing the United Kingdom’s valuable marine data. MEDIN’s vision is that all UK marine data are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). We provide technical infrastructure, data management best practices, and community and education tools to increase expertise across UK and international communities.
Established in 2008, MEDIN is funded by fifteen private and public sector organisations and coordinates a partnership of more than fifty organisations. MEDIN plays a crucial role in coordinating UK marine data management across policy, industry and academic sectors. The network facilitates the delivery of cross-cutting ambitions for UK marine data, taking into account diverse drivers across our broad range of stakeholders. The marine data landscape is continuously developing, including the introduction of innovative new data collection methods, and challenges, and an understanding of the importance of data products and models. Demand for marine data is increasing, with policy, academic and industry stakeholders seeking to develop a systems-level view of the marine environment.
MEDIN’s governing body is the MEDIN Sponsors’ Board, which comprises one member from each of our funding bodies. Our Executive Team provides operational support to the MEDIN Core Team (the secretariat for the network, comprising a Coordinator and a small team of project managers), based at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). MEDIN is managed and administered by NOC, which has offices in Southampton and Liverpool.
The Chair of MEDIN is responsible for:
- Providing strategic advice to MEDIN.
- Championing the work of MEDIN to the wider community.
- Chairing MEDIN Sponsors’ Board meetings (2 per year, currently 1 hybrid and 1 online).
- Chairing MEDIN Executive Team meetings (4 per year, currently 1 hybrid and 3 online).
- Chairing MEDIN Open meetings (1 per year, currently hybrid).
- Representing MEDIN at external meetings as required (ad hoc).
- Helping to set the agenda for meetings.
A total of 8 meetings per year. The Independent Chair of MEDIN will be a rotating position, with a new Chair appointed every 5 years, aligned with the Business Plan cycle.
Skills and experience
The Independent Chair of MEDIN should be able to demonstrate:
- A track record of working with marine environmental data in at least one marine sector (e.g. research, policy, conservation, industry).
- An enthusiasm for improving access to UK marine data.
- Experience chairing national or international groups or committees.
- Experience working with diverse stakeholders.
A fully independent Chair of MEDIN would be preferred but representatives from MEDIN Sponsors will also be considered.
Budget is available to reimburse MEDIN’s Independent Chair for their time and expenses. This is currently a set fee for each MEDIN meeting chaired or attended.
To Start exploring if you would like to become our next Chair
Please complete this Expression of Interest form and submit it along with a CV to the MEDIN Coordinator (Dr Clare Postlethwaite - by Sunday 17 September. We hope to appoint our new chair by the end of October.