MEDIN holds free workshops periodically throughout the year to improve the uptake, knowledge and use of MEDIN Data Guidelines and the MEDIN Discovery Metadata Standard (and associated tools). Presentations from MEDIN workshops can be viewed in the archive.
Workshops will be modular, concentrating the Discovery Metadata Standard in the morning and specific Data Guidelines in the afternoon. This means prospective attendees can choose to attend the full day, or either the morning or afternoon, depending on individual requirements (see schedule for further details).
In-person workshops are one to two days long, and due to the modular nature of the course, prospective attendees can choose to attend the both days, or either the morning or afternoon sessions, depending on individual requirements (see in-person workshop schedule for further details).
Virtual workshops are hosted on OceanTeacher Global Academy and are run over five days with interactive discussion sessions and presentations in the mornings and independent study in the afternoons, depending on individual requirements. See the virtual workshop schedule for further details.
When: 13-17th November 2023
Where: Online - OceanTeacher Global Academy
Register your interest: email