MEDIN DAC publications


Cefas and DASSH UK DNA Biodiversity data



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Underwater Sound + Marine Life(2006)


The Underwater Sound and Marine Life (2006) by the IACMST Working Group (1.3 MB) Hard copy available on request


Marine Processes and Climate (2005) produced as part of the UK Government's 'UK State of the Seas Report'. Download a pdf (7,521 KB)


Marine and Coastal Photographs and Videos: their availability, uses and curation (November 2006) edited by M E Charlesworth (3.2 MB) Hard copy available on request


Marine Data Accessibility and Use; review of Government and Industry Sectors in the UK (2008) by M Charlesworth and C Grant. Hydro International, 12, 22-29


Harmonising UK Marine Data (2005) by L J Rickards, International Ocean Systems, September/October 2005 Volume 9, Number 5, p6-8 (243 KB)


A new analysis of Marine-Related Activities in the UK Economy with Supporting Science and Technology (2002) (5,528 KB)


Climate of UK Waters at the Millennium (2001). (13,895 KB) Hard copy available on request


Marine sample collections: their value, use and future (2001) (4,631 KB) Hard copy available on request


Review of Current UK marine observations in relation to present and future needs (2000) (6,074 KB) Hard copy available on request


Managing UK marine data (2010) (3,218 KB) Hard copy available on request


MEDIN: A partnership approach to managing marine data and information in the UK (2012) (344 KB) Hard copy available on request